Quality and control system upgrade ready for peak season

By Gerhard Nel, Head of Process Engineering, Agri Technovation Agri Technovation continuously explores ways of improving the quality and ensuring consistency of our range of dry and liquid foliar, fertigation and soil applied specialist nutrition products. Following major capacity increases and the launch of numerous new products over the past five years, a project was […]
Use of phosphate (and potassium) biofertilisers on soils high in phosphates

By Stefan van Wyk (PhD), Head of Biological Research and Product Development, Victus Bio, Agri Technovation Phosphorus (P) is a macronutrient required for the proper functioning of plants. Because phosphorus plays vital roles in every aspect of plant growth and development, deficiencies can reduce plant growth and development. Phosphorus is the second most important macronutrient required […]
Blueberries: Fruit quality

By Agustin Verdugo. Senior Horticulturalist: Latin America The challenge Considering the popularity of blueberries, it is a key requirement for blueberry producers to produce the best possible fruit in terms of quality and condition that has the capacity to travel and reach the shelves of overseas supermarkets. Currently however, one of the major challenges faced […]