MYFARMWEB™ platform collates large volumes of data captured from various sources including:
- aerial photos
- soil physical and soil chemical maps
- topographic maps
- leaf analysis
- yield maps
- AIRBUS VERDE biophysical parameters
Data captured by IoT (Internet of Things) devices such as:
- soil moisture probes
- tracking devices
- micro weather stations

Soil classification is the evaluation of soils in terms of their physical qualities and based on this evaluation, the subsequent grouping of these soils into different classes according to the taxonomic system applicable.
MYSOIL CLASSIFICATION™ allows you to: Map entire areas to gain additional insights necessary for crop production; Identify the most suitable crop for a specific soil type; Identify high potential as well as challenging areas; Find solutions for areas and execute the best management to minimise risk and improve yield; Identify different irrigation zones; Determine cultivation type and cultivation depth; Identify limiting layer type and depth.

Managing your soil nutrient status to optimal levels is a key factor for crop yield optimization. In Top-/sub-soil samples are taken on a single GPS point. Samples are analysed at an ISO-accredited laboratory for pH, phosphorous, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and sodium. Several other chemical properties are also determined.

Soil chemical analyses provide answers to producers before the start of a season regarding their soil’s nutrient status as well as opportunities and risks. By conducting a soil chemical analysis on a pro-active basis, specific areas requiring nutrient corrections can be identified.
The fieldwork for soil chemical mapping involves the taking of geo-referenced soil samples on a pre-determined grid. Samples are taken by a Field Technician with an accurate GPS device in existing or intended orchards and fields, as required. Topsoil and subsoil samples are taken and sent to a laboratory for a standard soil chemical analysis to be conducted.
Laboratory results are processed and transformed to GIS or soil chemical maps.

Due to the vital functions performed by soil microorganisms to the benefit of agricultural crops, microorganisms have proved to be valuable indicators of soil health. Microbial functions performed include nutrient cycles, aggregate stability, maintenance of disease resistance and other essential processes contributing to soil equilibrium, resilience, and stability.

Agri Technovation integrates individual leaf samples and maps with the interpretation of leaf (tissue) analyses, including ratios between nutrients and corrective recommendations.
It is recommended that leaf samples be taken representative of soil types if soil classification maps are available. Leaf samples should be taken per phenological stage per each crop.

Petiole (Nu Petiole) allows the monitoring of a selection
of major trace elements using state-of-the-art
analytical instruments through the analysis of petioles.
ITEST™ CARBOHYDRATES is a leaf and root carbohydrate testing service - the first of its kind - offered by the Agri Technovation Plant Physiology Research Centre. Carbohydrates perform numerous important roles in fruit trees. They support the development of flowers, facilitate the completion of fruit set, increase fruit growth and rind colour development, and are essential for vegetative shoot and root growth. Alternate bearing is the term used to describe the tendency of fruit trees to bear a high crop load one year, and a low or small crop load the following year. This causes a fluctuation in the tree’s carbohydrate reserves.
A shortage of carbohydrates can result in poor flowering and fruit set, small fruit, poor colour and lack of root growth. The ITEST™ CARBOHYDRATES service aims to provide key information to assist producers to detect and effectively manage alternate bearing in crops.

The Agri Technovation ITEST™ WATER range of services helps farmers manage one of the most valuable resources known to humanity. Water can also influence soil chemistry, fertilization practices and the long-term sustainability of soil.
Success depends on water quality and the regular testing of water sources is therefore a critical step towards achieving such success. Identifying pitfalls that can negatively affect crop production will enable a farmer to get on track and stay on track.

Efficient irrigation systems are a vital component for crop production. Agri Technovation offers a holistic approach to irrigation monitoring and management with real time data available at your fingertips.

Climatic conditions play an important role in the success of agricultural entities. Due to recent developments in telemetric technology and web-based software, producers can now be provided with accurate, real-time weather data and also access to such data when required. This is made possible by an exciting MYFARMWEB™ and Hortec initiative, supporting the use and distribution of Hortec iLeaf weather stations.

PICKLOGGER™ is a harvesting tool that records the location of every pick as a fruit is harvested. This recorded data is then used to produce fruit yield maps.

The MYYIELD™ service represents existing yield data generated by machine harvesters, that is uploaded and used for multi-layered analysis.

Agri Technovation provides a high-definition monitoring system that enables the monitoring of pests and diseases in fine detail. With this service, the occurrence of pests and diseases are linked to a timeline and geographical coordinates. Through the interpolation of various data points, a clear image of pest and disease incidences or occurrences are created. These data points are obtained in two ways: traps and scouting.

Agri Technovation introduces the Airbus VERDE™ solution for Grains, Vegetables and Pastures –
Biophysical parameters are calibrated by crop type. This solution offers much more than the traditional NDVI
(Normalised Difference Vegetation Index).

Agri Technovation offers independent GIS mapping services for soils, fertilizer rates and more.