The crucial role of formulation in the efficacy of nutrient foliar products

Nutrient Foliar

The crucial role of formulation in the efficacy of nutrient foliar products by Rochelle Thuynsma, Head of Products: Technical and Dr. Elmi Lötze, Head of ITEST™CARBOHYDRATES and ITEST™LEAF Introduction Foliar-applied fertilisers have become an integral and significant part of sustainable and productive crop management worldwide. Successful application of nutrients in permanent crops has been reported […]

The role of carbohydrates in alternate bearing in pecans

Pecan Nuts

The role of carbohydrates in alternate bearing in pecans by Dr Elmi Lötze (Head of ITEST™CARBOHYDRATES and ITEST™LEAF) and Deon Claassen (Senior Horticulturist) Alternate bearing Carbohydrates play an important role in the alternate bearing cycle of many fruit types, including pecan trees. Alternate bearing refers to the phenomenon where trees produce a large crop in […]